Emerging small reactors projected to provide 90 GW of nuclear power to the US grid by 2050: NEI survey | Utility Dive

2022-08-20 05:16:11 By : Mr. Quinn Wang

“It’s no longer ‘if’ we build but how can we build fast enough to meet demand,” to enable 300 SMRs to power half the homes in the U.S. over the next 25 years with 90 GW, NEI stated when releasing its findings from its limited poll. Of the19 surveyed, several utilities said they are evaluating installing SMRs at their shuttered coal plants, according to NEI.

NEI only surveyed utilities that have nuclear power in their energy generation mix, and ones without nuclear generation that are considering investing in small nuclear facilities. That includes UAMPS, which signed an agreement with NuScale for six 77 MW SMRs, and PacifiCorp, said NEI’s spokesperson Mary Love. “PacifiCorp is partnering with TerraPower to bring its Natrium design to a retired coal site in Wyoming,” she said.

A study by Vibrant Clean Energy commissioned by NEI estimated the costs of the “first of its kind” SMR at $3,800 per kW at the low end and $5,500 kW at the high end. The higher projected cost factors in possible deployment constraints, such as supply chain limits, license delays and a limited skilled workforce.

“No plants have been built so we don’t know what the cost will be,” said IEEFA’s Schlissel. He said that the history of nuclear energy in the U.S. has consistently shown that costs only escalate from the time a project is proposed to when it is built. He pointed to the Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia’s Vogtle units 3 and 4, which are years behind schedule and billions of dollars over their initial budget. As of May, the total cost estimates for the two units was more than $30 billion .

NuScale is the first SMR company to go public in the U.S. and the only one close to having its designed approved for use by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. “NRC staff is taking the necessary steps to issue the final rule in the near future,” officially certifying the design, Scott Burnell, NRC spokesperson, wrote in an Aug. 8 email.

While the actual cost will be critical to successful commercialization of SMR technologies, plant safety is a close second, more so with Russia fighting in and around Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia plant, and fears of an explosion causing a catastrophic radioactive release, according to Schlissel . 

The American Nuclear Society President Steven Arndt and Executive Director and CEO Craig Piercy backed the the International Atomic Energy Agency protest of risks to the plant and its workers in Ukraine in an Aug. 6 statement. 

“Absolutely, more protection is needed” at SMRs, Schlissel said.

NEI did not respond to queries about increasing protections at SMRs given Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

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NextEra, the world’s biggest IOU by market cap, wants a “real” reduction of all carbon emissions by FPL, its regulated subsidiary, with solar, batteries and green hydrogen, but it will go without much help from the demand side.

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The trend toward increased electrification in transportation, buildings and other sectors continued to increase in 2021, but while momentum is growing, various challenges lie ahead.

NextEra, the world’s biggest IOU by market cap, wants a “real” reduction of all carbon emissions by FPL, its regulated subsidiary, with solar, batteries and green hydrogen, but it will go without much help from the demand side.

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